Understanding the Effect of Variability in Bulk FinFET Device Performance
April 27, 2018
Effects of a Random Process Variation on the Transfer Characteristics of a Fundamental Photonic Integrated Circuit Component
September 14, 2018You must have an account on our Customer Portal to access this content. If you already have an account, please log in using the form below or to the right. If you do not have an account, we invite you to request an account.
Whitepaper: N7 FinFET Self-Aligned Quadruple Patterning Modeling

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In this paper, we model fin pitch walk based on a process flow simulation using the Coventor SEMulator3D virtual platform. A taper angle of the fin core is introduced into the model to provide good agreement with silicon data. The impact on various Self-Aligned Quadruple Patterning process steps is assessed. Etch sensitivity to pattern density is reproduced in the model and provides insight on the effect of fin height variability.
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